CTM cvs delta 1498 bogus, don't apply!
Adam Szilveszter
sziszi at bsd.hu
2001. Jan. 11., Cs, 07:42:02 CET
Ime az elso OpenBSD virus!!!
Ld lentebb:
----- Forwarded message from Hans-Guenter Weigand <hgw at d1906.inka.de> -----
To: announce at openbsd.org
Cc: misc at openbsd.org
Subject: CTM cvs delta 1498 bogus, don't apply!
From: hgw at d1906.inka.de (Hans-Guenter Weigand)
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 01:05:35 +0100
Sender: owner-misc at openbsd.org
Please do *not* apply the OpenBSD-cvs.1498.gz delta, that was sent out
on 10 Jan 2001 14:36:08 +0100 (CET)! This file escaped from a test run
and shouldn't have been sent out to you. Although it looks harmless, it
will delete your repository, which you would need to restore from backup
I'm very sorry, please take my excuses. I'll announce when the real
delta is made and sent to the mailing list.
----- End forwarded message -----
* Adam Szilveszter * JATE Szeged * email: sziszi at petra.hos.u-szeged.hu *
* Honlap : nincs * alternativ email: sziszi at bsd.hu *
* PGP kulcs: Fingereld a sziszi at petra.hos.u-szeged.hu cimet! *
* FreeBSD: tisztabb, szarazabb, biztonsagosabb erzes...! *
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